Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And his name is...

Well, after months (about 8 to be exact) of fielding name suggestions and discussing what is least likely to clash with "Schmieder", we have decided our little guy will be named Nolan Michael Schmieder. I even committed by ordering a onesie with an "N"! It's sort of neat to call him by name!

At my last doctor visit, the nurse practitioner thought I was measuring a little ahead of schedule, so they will be doing an ultrasound at my next appointment (next Wednesday, December 9th) to see his size and see if he is in the head-down position. After that appointment, we will have a better idea if our due date (January 8th) is still accurate and if he's going to allow for a normal delivery (no c-section). I'm keeping my fingers crossed as I really don't want to have a c-section!

These last five weeks of pregnancy are filled with a lot of excitement and anxiety. On top of the normal stuff like wanting to clean everything and have the nursery in tip top condition, I'm busily trying to get all of my Christmas shopping done and decorations in place. It is all keeping me (and Chris) pretty busy! I have my annual girls Christmas shopping day coming up on Sunday when I plan to complete my shopping in stores and be left with only online shopping (which I've already taken advantage of a lot this year!) Here's to a successful shopping day! : )

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Favorite Time of Year

Not sure how it happened, but it seems both spring and summer snuck by me without any updates to our blog! I really am going to try to get better about this though, I promise! For those of you who we don't get to see or talk to all the time, here's a quick rundown of our spring and summer:

-Found out we are expecting a baby at the end of April due on January 8th, 2010! Two months of morning sickness followed... YUCK!

-Sold our house on Hanson Drive three weeks prior to the closing on our new house. Phew!!

-Moved into our new home on June 26th. We had so much help, we could have never done it without our amazing family and friends! Fortunately the morning sickness subsided just in time!
-Spent the rest of the summer unpacking and getting our house put together. In August/September Chris put up our new fence with the help of Curt, Jake, Kilper, and his dad. Our girls can't wait for the grass to grow so they can enjoy their new yard finally!
-Mom had two stents put in mid August. She's doing great on her meds and has her cholesterol in great shape. She has made me a nervous wreck, but is doing great otherwise!
-My grandpa passed away in August after a one-year battle with brain cancer. Watching him battle that horrible disease was awful, but losing him has been so hard for our family.

-Finally some good news for the family... found out in August that our little one (Cletus the Fetus) is a boy!

-Baby Zoe (Curt and Teresa's little doll) was born 9/9/09 on our 4th wedding anniversary. She was the best present! We've already decided she will be married to our little guy when they are at least 30! :)

Now that fall is officially here, we are on to new projects and hopefully happier days with our loved ones. I am now 6 months pregnant and definitely showing a lot! There's no hiding the baby bump now. We are starting to get our plans together for the nursery... which involves a lot of decision making for me! We are also still deciding on a name for our little man. Grandma Kathy (Harper) is very ready for a final decision so she can start calling him by name! We are leaning towards Reed Michael at this point, but we're still not committing quite yet! The dogs are very curious about the baby and love to sit in his closet (which is filled with clothes that mom and I have been shopping for since we found out it's a boy!)

Nothing new for either of us at work. My office will see two or three retirements within the next 9 months or so, so hopefully that will lead to some promotional opportunities for me. Until then though, all is well. Fortunately, I have great bosses who are very understanding that traveling is not something I want to do much of as I enter the third trimester of my pregnancy. I really am blessed to have such a great workplace. Actually we both are. Chris has been able to take off for every one of my doctor appointments and ultrasounds, which has been great!

We are looking forward to the fall season (my favorite time of year) and preparing for the baby's arrival. Hopefully we will get to see all of you often! Don't give up on the blog, I'm going to do better! :) Happy Autumn loved ones!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring has sprung!

Well, I started this blog and then forgot about it! I have a feeling I'm going to get better about it though. I may actually even share it with some people finally!

Things in our life are still pretty hectic... which is just the way I like! The house is moving along quite quickly! The drywall is up and they are supposed to be done painting by Wednesday of next week! I had to submit paint colors yesterday which was completely stressing me out. I hope I made good selections! They are supposed to start flooring by the end of next week or May 18th at the latest. After that, they still need to brick, hang cabinets, pour concrete, and trim. Otherwise, we are almost done! They are said June 26th is their closing goal, but July 17th is the latest. So... it's going to be a fun and busy summer!

Still have not sold Hanson house, but we are trying to stay optimistic. We actually have a showing tonight, so that's always a good feeling. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

As many of you know we had a scare on Easter when my pa pa was taken to the hospital. It turns out he had some type of infection, but things got really scary for awhile. He is actually STILL in the hospital, but he is doing a lot better. He was off the ventilator 12 hours yesterday and was sitting in a chair, so those are very good things. Grandma is holding up as well as expected. She just really wants him back home now. Please keep him in your prayers!

The furry babies are doing well. Darcy had x-rays on her knee and will likely need surgery down the road, but it didn't seem to be imminent, so that was a relief. She sure doesn't act as though she has a care in the world! Her and Miss Martha love to rough house around... especially on top of our bed!

Hard to believe summer is right around the corner already. I'm looking forward to it for sure. This rain has been a real drag. Unfortunately, we have no summer travel plans yet, but may sneak away to Florida once we are moved and hopefully have our house sold! Nothing beats St. Pete Beach in my eyes... especially since Mexico is clearly out of the question for awhile. Darn that Swine Flu!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Something New

Well, this is my first offical blog ever! It seems like a great way to keep our family and friends in the loop. We don't think our lives are THAT exciting that everyone wants to know what's going on, but there are a lot of you whom we don't get to see or talk with nearly as much as we'd like... so we thought this would be a fun way of sharing the happenings in our world. So, we shall see how it goes!

Life has been pretty busy lately for us. I've been working on my 10 year class reunion (ouch!), edging into wedding photography season, and trying to keep up with my running schedule for the half-marathon I'm running April 19th. Chris has kept busy with hockey season (Go Blues!), trying to keep our house clean for showings, and going to our new building site to keep on eye on the progress!

Most definitely the most exciting thing happening is our new home construction. We signed the contract on our home in February and they broke ground the following week! So far we have a basement with walls, floor, and plumbing rough-in! They are supposed to start framing Thursday or Friday of this week depending upon the weather. Chris can hardly contain his excitement with all of this! I'm very excited as well, but much more nervous about the sale of our current home. We've had several showings and an open house, but no takers yet. Hopefully we will see a little more action as the weather warms up and people come out of hibernation! With the economy these days, it's not a great time to sell though. We're certainly trying to stay optimistic though.

Other than that, we are always busy trying to keep track of our two children, Darcy (2), and Martha (6 months). They are definitely a handful, but they are our pride and joy for sure! Miss Martha is coming along well in her training. She seems to be 98% potty trained thankfully. That part of puppies is no fun! She is doing pretty well in puppy school too, but we probably don't work on her quite as much as we should. Overall, she's a good little dog, despite being painfully shy around pretty much anyone new! Darcy is our first love of course and she's definitely a spoiled little girl! About two months ago she had some trouble with her knee and was limping around. The vet thought her knee cap was slipping and gave us some anti-inflammation drugs for her. She got better after that and has been fine the past couple months. However, this weekend she started limping again. We took her to a new orthopedic vet who thinks she will need knee surgery. : ( She's on pain meds for two weeks while we decide what to do. Right now I'm looking for a second opinion and she seems to be just fine. We'll see what comes of that soon. You would never know there's a problem if you watched her chasing the birds around the back yard!

Well that's about all the big stuff in our world for now. We update again soon! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the start of spring!