Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And his name is...

Well, after months (about 8 to be exact) of fielding name suggestions and discussing what is least likely to clash with "Schmieder", we have decided our little guy will be named Nolan Michael Schmieder. I even committed by ordering a onesie with an "N"! It's sort of neat to call him by name!

At my last doctor visit, the nurse practitioner thought I was measuring a little ahead of schedule, so they will be doing an ultrasound at my next appointment (next Wednesday, December 9th) to see his size and see if he is in the head-down position. After that appointment, we will have a better idea if our due date (January 8th) is still accurate and if he's going to allow for a normal delivery (no c-section). I'm keeping my fingers crossed as I really don't want to have a c-section!

These last five weeks of pregnancy are filled with a lot of excitement and anxiety. On top of the normal stuff like wanting to clean everything and have the nursery in tip top condition, I'm busily trying to get all of my Christmas shopping done and decorations in place. It is all keeping me (and Chris) pretty busy! I have my annual girls Christmas shopping day coming up on Sunday when I plan to complete my shopping in stores and be left with only online shopping (which I've already taken advantage of a lot this year!) Here's to a successful shopping day! : )