Thursday, July 8, 2010

1/2 Birthday and Other Happenings

Yesterday was Nolan's half birthday! I still cannot believe he is six-months old! I know it sounds cliche, but time flies. Since this little guy made his arrival, it's like I'm living life in warp speed! I try to slow down to savor these days as much as possible though.

In honor of Nolan's big day, he ate in his high chair for the first time last night. He didn't seem to really mind it, and was very pleased when he got his birthday treat... his first taste of fruit! He gobbled down every last bite of the organic roasted pears, and looked around for more when the bowl was empty. I think it's safe to say he inherited Mommy's sweet tooth. Poor guy. Chris and I sang Happy Birthday to him and of course I took a million photos. He passed out from all the festivities in his high chair while we were cleaning up from dinner. Adorable!

In other news, Fourth of July weekend was a good one. Lots of time spent with family and friends. We celebrated at Brian Kilman's going away (to the Marines) party, then at my dad's family reunion, and then again at Mom and Aunt Sue's 4th of July BBQ. We also got to see Grandma Sandy (who is recovering really well from knee surgery), Maw Maw, and Chris's parents! We made our way down to the Landing to watch Blake's new band, Celebrity Mugshots, on Saturday too. It was a busy weekend, but very fun! Unfortunately, Chris and I managed to pick up the cold Nolan had last week, so we are suffering for our fun now. That's okay though, well worth it!

Going back a little farther, the weekend before last Chris, Nolan and I headed up to Chicago with Wendy in tow to celebrate Cory's graduation. We had such a nice time there! We got to meet a lot of Cory's lab friends and spend some time with everyone. Jake was up there too! Nolan was a great traveler once again. The only downside to the trip was my camera (and Steph's too) was lost/stolen/thrown away. I hated losing the camera (which Chris just got me at Christmas), but I hated even more losing the photos from Nolan's baptism. :( I was able to get some photos from other people, but it still stinks... a lot!

I think I'm caught up! I won't let things get this far behind again! Yeah, right. :)

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